A preliminary biodiversity assessment has been conducted by ecologists to evaluate the quantum and quality of habitats provided on site. Based on the emerging Master Plan, the proposed scheme is calculated to exceed a 10% net gain in biodiversity.
The Green Infrastructure proposals for the site have been specifically informed by the completion of a comprehensive suite of protected and notable species surveys. This approach will result in net gains to wetland, grassland and woody habitats, specifically targeting enhanced opportunities for local amphibian, reptile and bat assemblages, amongst other faunal groups.
Over 62,000sqm of green space created
Extensive tree planting with over 400 new trees
Active travel enhanced cycle and walking provision
10% biodiversity net gain exceeded
Net Zero Carbon Ready
Embodied carbon emissions minimised
Integration of water conservation and sustainable drainage systems
Recreational spaces to promote health and wellbeing
Improved access to sport and recreation for the community
The emerging Master Plan for Middle Norton is landscape-led, taking advantage of the south facing slope. The proposed development area sits comfortably within the topography and is contained to the north by a woodland block (Lodge Plantation). The plan is to keep open the field between Lodge Plantation and Kilkenny Farm, using part of this undeveloped area for allotments, an orchard and play, perhaps ultimately with a link through to a second village, Upper Norton. The site is generally screened along the lower parts of Burford Road. Kilkenny Lane will remain unchanged.
As far as possible, our ‘community package’ will be agreed locally – grounding the proposed development in the local community, responding to the needs of local people, and thereby creating benefits at a local level. Identifying community needs at this early stage in the design and planning processes will help ensure good levels of localisation.
Contributions linked to the development of Middle Norton will be organised into 10 headings or policy areas:
We will aim to consult on, define and support a range of local projects, under these headings, on site, close to Kilkenny Farm or in adjoining areas.
Our objective is to engage, listen and explain.
The site is being promoted through a joint venture between Bloombridge LLP and HarperCrewe, a new generation house builder seeking to deliver market-leading, high quality homes with excellent energy efficiency and sustainability credentials.
HarperCrewe and Bloombridge recognise that it is essential that any development should be a place where people of all ages and backgrounds can live together and feel part of a community. This is achieved through good placemaking; identifying how development can add to the settlement it belongs to, thereby enhancing and strengthening the local community.